International Centre for Circassian Studies (ICCS)

Circassian Literature


An Introductory Account of

 Circassian Literature









RATORY had been a well-developed art in Circassia since time immemorial. Foster-boys were instructed in rhetoric from an early age, and many graduates went on to become past masters in this art. The word Adigebze [адыгэбзэ], Circassian language, acquired a specialized sense of a nice and serious speech. Toasts have maintained their role as important components of oral literature, besides their religious significance. These literary genres went through adverse circumstances starting from the end of the 18th century, but started to recover by the end of the 19th...  Read more in the attached Word and pdf files.

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Бэлагъы Любэ и тхылъ купщIафэ. Налшык: Котляров М-рэ В-рэ я тхылъ тедзапIэ, 2008.


A collection of Luba Belaghi's poems. Published in Nalchik (M. and V. Kotlyarov Book Press), the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, in 2008.

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Бэлагъы Любэ

Бэлагъы Любэ 1968 гъэм Къармэхьэблэ къуажэм къыщалъхуащ. Мэзкуу къэрал университетым (МГУ им. Ломоносова) и щIэныгъэр къыщихьащ 1991 гъэм литературэ редактору (журналист факультетым). Кандидат диссертацэр («Адыгэ Хабзэр еджапIэхэм зэрыхэлъхьа хъуну Iуэхугъуэхэр») 1994 гъэм Мэзкуу Институт Лъэпкъ щIэныгъэхэмкIэ щыIэм щигъэзэщIащ. Мы махуэхэм Дунейпсо Литертурэхэм я Институтым (ИМЛИ им. Горького) и доктор диссертацэр щегъэзащIэ. Мы гъэмахуэм Мэзкуу ИМЛИ-м и дамэм щIэту Бэлагъым къыхудагъэкIыр «Дунейпсо Адыгэ Диаспорэм и литературэ» зыфIища къэхутэныгъэ тхылъыр.


ИпэкIэ усакIуэм и Iэдакъэм къыщIэкIащ усэ тхылъу: «Къудамэ закъуэ», 1992, Налшык; «Мывэ сэрей», 1997, Налшык; «Дыгъэм и гъуэгу», 2000, Налшык; «Молюсь я на адыгском языке...», 2002, Мэзкуу; усэбзэкIэ тхауэ роман «Гуащэнэ», 2005, Налшык; «Царская любовь», 2007, Мэзкуу; «ГъэунэхупIэ» - 2008гъ. Налшык. “Impress” WingSpan – 2008; «I Say My Prayers in Circassian» - WingSpan – 2008.


Диаспорэм ятха роман зыбжанэ Бэлагъым урысыбзэрэ адыгэбзэкIэ зыридзэкIауэ хэкум къыщыдигъэкIащ. Абы адыгэ литературэм теухуауэ тхыгъэ щэныкъуэм нэблагъэ адыгэбзэкIэ, урысыбзэкIэ, инглызыбзэкIэ, хьэрыпыбзэкIэ къыхудэкIахэщ.


Бэлагъым 2000-рэ 2003-мрэ я зэхуаку къриубыдэу Литературэ Альманах «ЩIэплъыпэ» зыфIищар бзищкIэ зэхэту (адыгэбзэ, урысыбзэ, инглызыбзэ) Налшык къыдэкIыгъуиплI къыщыдигъэкIащ.


Бэлагъы Любэ 1997 гъэм Дунейпсо ЩIалэгъуалэ ТхакIуэхэм и Япэ Дипломыр къратащ. 2007 гъэм абы и роман «Гуащэнэр» Урысей ТхакIуэ Зэгуэтым (Мэзкуу къалэ) Къэралыгъуэ Премэ зыхуэгъэфэщапхъэу къалъытащ.


Бэлагъыр Урысей къэралыгъуэм и ТхакIуэ Зэгуэтым хэтщ. Нобэ ар щопсэу Уиндзэр, Англие къэралыгъуэм, и щхьэгъусэмрэ и къуитIымрэ дэщIыгъуу.        


Бэлагъым адыгэбзэкIэ и Iэдакъэм къыщIэкIа тхылъхэр:


КЪУДАМЭ ЗАКЪУЭ, Эльбрус тхылъ тедзапIэ, 1992. [Усэ тхылъ]

МЫВЭ СЭРЕЙ, Эльбрус тхылъ тедзапIэ, 1997. [Усэ тхылъ]

ДЫГЪЭМ И ГЪУЭГУ, Эль-Фа тхылъ тедзапIэ, 2000. [поэмэ «Сатаней», усэхэр]

ГУАЩЭНЭ тхыдэ роман-поэмэ  (Марие Темрыкъуэ и пхъумрэ Иуан БзаджащIэмрэ я тхыдэ 1561-1568), Налшык: Котляров М-рэ В-рэ я тхылъ тедзапIэ, 2005.

ГЪЭУНЭХУПIЭ, Налшык: Котляров М-рэ В-рэ я тхылъ тедзапIэ, 2008. [Усэ тхылъ]

Luba Belaghi

Luba Balagova was born in 1968 in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria (the North Caucasus) of the Russian Federation. She finished her studies in literature and Journalism at the Moscow State University (named after Lomonosov) in 1991.


Balagova defended her First PhD (kandidatskaia) (“How to Implement Adiga Khabza in the National Educational Curriculum”) at the Moscow Institute of National Education in 1994. At the present time Balagova is completing her Second PhD in Literature “The Diaspora Literature of the Circassians” in the Institute of World Literature (IMLI) named after Gorky. This summer her monograph “Circassian Diaspora Literature” will be published by the IMLI Institute, Moscow.


Balagova published eight poetic books and a historical novel in poetry “Empress”. (“The Lonely Branch” – Nalchik (in Circassian), 1992; “The Stone Wall” - Nalchik (in Circassian), 1997; “The Way Of The Sun”, - Nalchik (in Circassian) – 2000; “Goshana” - Nalchik (in Circassian) – 2005;  “I say my Prayers in Circassian”, Moscow (in Russian), 2000; “Tsar’s Love” Moscow (in Russian) – 2007; “Trials” - Nalchik (in Circassian), 2008; “I say my Prayers in Circassian”, WingSpan, USA – 2008; “Impress” WingSpan, USA – 2008.)


In 2000-2003 Balagova prepared and published in Nalchik with The Cherkess Fund Organization  (as Chief Editor) a literary almanac “Horizon” (four issues) in three languages (Circassian, Russian and English).


Luba Balagova is a Poet Laureate and won First Prize of The Young Authors in 1997 (republic of Kabardino-Balkaria).


In 2008 Balagova’s “Impress” was announced in RF Union of Writers as “one of the greatest historical novels” and was collectively recommended for a literary prize.


Balagova is a member of the Russian Union of Writers. She currently lives in Windsor, England with her husband and two sons.



Belaghi’s publications in Circassian:


Belaghi, L., Qwdame Zaqwe [The Lonely Branch], Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press, 1992.

— Mive Serey [The Stone Wall], Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press, 1997.

— Dighem yi Ghwegw [The Way of the Sun], Nalchik: El’-Fa, 2000.

— Gwaschene: Mariye Teimriqwe yi Px’wmre Yiwan Bzajasch’emre ya Txide (1561-1568): Roman-Poeme [Gwaschene: The Tale of Maria Daughter of Temryuk and Ivan the Terrible (1561-1568): Novel-Poem], Nalchik: M. and V. Kotlyarov Book Press, 2005.

    Ghewnexwp’e [Trials and Tribulations], Nalchik: M. and V. Kotlyarov Book Press, 2008.



Belaghi's 'Hymn of the Circassian Emigrants' in Circassian and English:








ГъыбзэкIэ дыкъикIами,

УэрэдкIэ нэдгъэзэжынущ,

Ди лъэпкъым хэкIуэдыкIахэм

Я уэсят лъапIэр нэтхьынущ:


Ди Тхьэшхуэ, ди хэкур тхуэхъумэ!


Дэ дыщыIэнущ адыгэу,

Ди лъэпкъыр нэхъри хэдгъахъуэу

Зыдужьыжынущ адыгэм

Лъэпкъышхуэ дунейр зыгъахъэу!


Ди Тхьэшхуэ, ди жьэгур тхуэхъумэ!


Хэкум дыныщырахум

Хышхуэм зэпырыкIахэр

Ди псэм димыгъэгъуащэу

Хамэм дахэтыфащ!


Ди Тхьэшхуэ, ди хэкур тхуэхъумэ!


Зыми дахуимыкIуэту,

Ди щхьэри яхуэдмыгъэщхъыу,

ХабзэкIэ дызыбгъэдэтхэм

Я пщIэри къэдлэжьыфащ.


Ди Тхьэшхуэ, ди хэкур тхуэхъумэ!


Бзэуэ дызэрыпсалъэми,

Пэдмыдзыхыжу анэбзэр,

Мис, тхъумэфащи, ди пIалъэщ

Иджы ар еттыну ди быным.


Ди Тхьэшхуэ, ди хэкур тхуэхъумэ!


ГъыбзэкIэ дыкъикIами,

УэрэдкIэ нэдгъэзэжынущ,

Ди лъэпкъым хэкIуэдыкIахэм

Я уэсят лъапIэр нэсхьынущ:


Ди Тхьэшхуэ, ди лъапсэр тхуэхъумэ!


Дэ дыщыIэнущ адыгэу,

Ди лъэпкъыр нэхъри хэдгъахъуэу

Зыдужьыжынущ адыгэм

Лъэпкъышхуэ дунейр зыгъахъэу!


Ди Тхьэшхуэ, ди жьэгур тхуэхъумэ!


ТIэтынущ адыгэ хабзэр,

Адыгэу дунейм тетыххэм,

Зетхьэнущ ди адыгэбзэр

Аращи дыщIэадыгэр.


Ди Тхьэшхуэ, ди лъапсэр тхуэхъумэ!


Ди адыгагъэ нэгъыщэм,

ДыхигъэткIухьыркъым щIышхуэм,

Дыхигъэгъуащэркъым цIыхуу

Зэхэтым лъэпкъ зэрызыххэу.


Ди Тхьэшхуэ, ди лъапсэр тхуэхъумэ!


ГъыбзэкIэ дыкъикIами,

УэрэдкIэ нэдгъэзэжынущ,

Ди лъэпкъым хэкIуэдыкIахэм

Я уэсят лъапIэр нэтхьынущ:


Ди Тхьэшхуэ, ди хэкур тхуэхъумэ!


Дэ дыщыIэнущ адыгэу,

Ди лъэпкъыр нэхъри хэдгъахъуэу

Зыдужьыжынущ адыгэм

Лъэпкъышхуэ дунейр зыгъахъэу!


Ди Тхьэшхуэ, ди жьэгур тхуэхъумэ!



The Hymn of the Circassian Emigrants



We left the fatherland in laments,

But we shall return singing joyful airs,

Those of our nation who perished

Their precious testament we shall carry back:


Our Mighty God, safeguard our fatherland!


We shall forever remain Circassian,

And our nation shall grow and thrive,

We shall take the road to glory,

And strive to become one of the great nations of this world!


Our Great God, protect our hearth![1]


Though expelled from the fatherland,

And sailing across the great seas,

We never lost possession of our soul

Living in foreign lands!


Our Supreme God, save our fatherland!


Never did we compromise,

Nor did we ever hold our head low,

For our precious customs and traditions

We have been able to earn great esteem.


God Almighty, preserve our motherland!


The language that we speak,

The mother tongue that we never forsook,

Here, we were able to preserve, and its time for us

Now to bestow it to our children.


Our Supreme God, protect our fatherland!


We emigrated in grief,

But we shall return in joy,

Those that our nation lost

Their cherished last will we shall take back:


Our Mighty Lord, safeguard our sacred domicile!


We shall always be Circassian,

And our nation shall grow and grow,

We shall take the road to glory

And become one of the notable nations of this world!


Our Great God, safeguard our hearth!


We shall raise our Circassian Etiquette aloft,

All the Circassians across the globe,

We shall nourish our Circassian language,

And validate our reason for being.


O Lord of Might, protect our ancestral land!


Our distinctive Circassianness

We shall not allow to be dissolved in this vast world,

Our unitary people

Shall not be lost amongst other nations.


Our Mighty God, save our Old Country!


We left the fatherland in laments,

Yet we shall return in song,

Those of our nation who perished

Their precious testament we shall carry back:


Our Supreme God, safeguard our country!


We shall remain Circassian for ever and ay,

And our nation shall grow and grow,

We shall follow glory road,

And endeavour to be a great nation in this world!


Our Great God, protect our hearth!




ЗезыдзэкIар: Жэмыхъуэ Амджэд (Амыщ)

[Translated by Amjad Jaimoukha]

[1] In Circassian (and in general North Caucasian) cosmology everything was held in place by the universal chain. The hearth-chain (жьэгу лъахъш; zchegw lhax’sh) was the household’s link to the cosmos the coupling to the universal scheme of things. Every home had a permanently lit hearth with a wrought iron chain hanging down the chimney. All native North Caucasian religions regard the family hearth with special reverence and it was the principal place at which family rituals were conducted, principally offerings and sacrifices and the rites associated with the cult of Dade (Weriydade; Дадэ; Уэридадэ), the clan hero, the head of the household, whose immortal soul transmigrated to hedrixe (хьэдрыхэ; the world beyond) after death. The patrons of the domestic hearth were the deities Sozeresh and Zchegwpathe (Жьэгупатхьэ; literally: God of the Hearth). A new bride was ‘unchained’ from her father’s hearth and then ‘joined’ to that of her father-in-law in special circum-ambulatory ceremonies. Vestiges of the cult of Dade are come upon in the corpus of ceremonial songs collectively referred to as ‘Weriydade’, the most famous of which being the one chanted during the bridal homecoming. The hearth chain still retains symbolic functions and significance.

A short account of Alim Ch'ischoqwe

The Works of Alim Ch'ischoqwe on line

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The Works of Alim Ch'ischoqwe on line

ТХЫГЪЭХЭР ТОМИХЫМ ЩЫЗЭХУЭХЬЭСАУЭ. Txighexer Tomiyxim Schizexwehesawe [Collected Works in Six Volumes], Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007.

КIыщокъуэ, Алим (Aliym Ch’ischoqwe), ТХЫГЪЭХЭР ТОМИХЫМ ЩЫЗЭХУЭХЬЭСАУЭ: ЯПЭРЕЙ ТОМ: УСЭХЭМРЭ ПОЭМЭХЭМРЭ. Txighexer Tomiyxim Schizexwehesawe: Yaperey Tom: Wisexemre Poemexemre [Collected Works in Six Volumes: Volume I: Poetry and Poems], Налшык: «Эльбрус» тхылъ тедзапIэ [Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press], 2004.

[Courtesy of Elbrus Book Press, Nalchik]

Alim Ch'ischoqwe, 1.pdf Alim Ch'ischoqwe, 1.pdf
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КIыщокъуэ, Алим (Aliym Ch’ischoqwe), ТХЫГЪЭХЭР ТОМИХЫМ ЩЫЗЭХУЭХЬЭСАУЭ: ЕТIУАНЭРЕЙ ТОМ: ХЪУЭПСЭГЪУЭ НУР: IЫХЬИТIУ ЗЭХЭЛЪ РОМАН. Txighexer Tomiyxim Schizexwehesawe: Yet’wanerey Tom: X’wepseghwe Nur: ’Ihiyt’u Zexelh Roman [Collected Works in Six Volumes: Volume II: Splendid Moment: A Novel in Two Volumes], Налшык: «Эльбрус» тхылъ тедзапIэ [Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press], 2005.

[Courtesy of Elbrus Book Press, Nalchik]
Alim Ch'ischoqwe, 2.pdf Alim Ch'ischoqwe, 2.pdf
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КIыщокъуэ, Алим (Aliym Ch’ischoqwe), ТХЫГЪЭХЭР ТОМИХЫМ ЩЫЗЭХУЭХЬЭСАУЭ: ЕЩАНЭРЕЙ ТОМ: ЭМИРЫМ И СЭШХУЭ; МАЗЭ НЫКЪУЭ ЩХЪУАНТIЭ: РОМАНХЭР. Txighexer Tomiyxim Schizexwehesawe: Yeschanerey Tom: Emiyrim yi Seshxwe; Maze Niqwe Schx’want’e: Romanxer [Collected Works in Six Volumes: Volume III: Amir’s Sabre; The Green Half-Moon: Novels], Налшык: «Эльбрус» тхылъ тедзапIэ [Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press], 2005.

[Courtesy of Elbrus Book Press, Nalchik]

Alim Ch'ischoqwe, 3.pdf Alim Ch'ischoqwe, 3.pdf
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КIыщокъуэ, Алим (Aliym Ch’ischoqwe), ТХЫГЪЭХЭР ТОМИХЫМ ЩЫЗЭХУЭХЬЭСАУЭ: ЕПЛIАНЭРЕЙ ТОМ: ЩЫНЭХУЖЬЫКЪУЭ; НАЛ КЪУТА; КХЪУЖЬЫФЭ: РОМАНХЭР. Txighexer Tomiyxim Schizexwehesawe: Yepl’anerey Tom: Schinexwzchiqwe; Nal Qwta; Q’wzchife: Romanxer [Collected Works in Six Volumes: Volume IV: Valley of the White Lambs; Broken Horse-Shoe; The Colour of Pear: Novels], Налшык: «Эльбрус» тхылъ тедзапIэ [Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press], 2006.

[Courtesy of Elbrus Book Press, Nalchik]

Alim Ch'ischoqwe, 4.pdf Alim Ch'ischoqwe, 4.pdf
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КIыщокъуэ, Алим (Aliym Ch’ischoqwe), ТХЫГЪЭХЭР ТОМИХЫМ ЩЫЗЭХУЭХЬЭСАУЭ: ЕТХУАНЭРЕЙ ТОМ: ЛЪАПСЭ: РОМАН; ХЪЫБАРХЭР. Txighexer Tomiyxim Schizexwehesawe: Yetxwanerey Tom: Lhapse: Roman; X’ibarxer [Collected Works in Six Volumes: Volume V: Roots: Novel; Short Stories], Налшык: «Эльбрус» тхылъ тедзапIэ [Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press], 2006.

[Courtesy of Elbrus Book Press, Nalchik]

Alim Ch'ischoqwe, 5.pdf Alim Ch'ischoqwe, 5.pdf
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КIыщокъуэ, Алим (Aliym Ch’ischoqwe), ТХЫГЪЭХЭР ТОМИХЫМ ЩЫЗЭХУЭХЬЭСАУЭ: ЕХАНЭРЕЙ ТОМ: РАССКАЗ, ПОВЕСТЬ, ПЬЕСЭХЭР; ВИД С БЕЛОЙ ГОРЫ. Txighexer Tomiyxim Schizexwehesawe: Yexanerey Tom: Rasskaz, Povest”, P”eisexer; Vid s beloy gori [Collected Works in Six Volumes: Volume V: Short Story, Tale, and Plays; The View from the White Mountain], Налшык: «Эльбрус» тхылъ тедзапIэ [Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press], 2007.

[Courtesy of Elbrus Book Press, Nalchik]

Alim Ch'ischoqwe, 6.pdf Alim Ch'ischoqwe, 6.pdf
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Works by other literary figures

Къэрмокъуэ, Мухьэмэд М. (Muhemed M. Qermoqwe), ПШАПЭ ЗЭХЭУЭГЪУЭ: ПОВЕСТХЭР, РАССКАЗХЭР. Pshape Zexeweghwe: Povestxer, Rasskazxer [Twilight: Tales and Short Stories], Налшык: «Эльбрус» тхылъ тедзапIэ [Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press], 2007.

[Courtesy of Elbrus Book Press, Nalchik]

Qermoqwe.pdf Qermoqwe.pdf
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ТIымыжь, Хьэмыщэ Т. (Hemische T. T’imizch), ХЭХЭС ДУНЕЙ: IУЭРЫIУАТЭ ТХЫГЪЭ КЪЫХЭХАХЭР. Xexec Duney: ’Weri’wate Txighe Qixexaxer [The Diaspora World: Selected Oral Works], Налшык: «Эльбрус» тхылъ тедзапIэ [Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press], 2004.

[Courtesy of Elbrus Book Press, Nalchik]

T'imizch.pdf T'imizch.pdf
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IутIыж, Борис Къу. (Boris Qw. ’Wt’izh), ТХЫГЪЭХЭР. Txighexer [Footstep: Articles, Sketches, and Essays], Налшык: «Эльбрус» тхылъ тедзапIэ [Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press], 2007.

[Courtesy of Elbrus Book Press, Nalchik]

'Wt'izh.pdf 'Wt'izh.pdf
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ХьэфIыцIэ, Мухьэмэд М. (Muhemed M. Hef’its’e), ХАМЭЩIЫМ ВАГЪУЭХЭР ЩОУЖЬЫХ. Xamesch’im Vaghwexer Schowzchix [The Stars Are Dying Out in the Foreign Land], Налшык: «Эльбрус» тхылъ тедзапIэ [Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press], 2006.

[Courtesy of Elbrus Book Press, Nalchik]
Hef'its'e.pdf Hef'its'e.pdf
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Miscellaneous articles on Circassian literature (in various languages)

Kunova, M. D., ‘Kabardinizmi v istoricheskikh proizvedeniyakh T. Kerasheva [Kabardianisms (Kabardian Expressions) in the Historical Works of T. Kerashev]’.
Kerashev's Kabardianisms, Kunova.pdf Kerashev's Kabardianisms, Kunova.pdf
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