Circassian/English Journal
The Hearth Tree
Circassian Cultural & Literary Miscellany
This triannual journal is published by the International Centre for Circassian Studies (ICCS) in both Circassian and English. Researchers and scholars interested in Circassian issues are welcome to publish their articles in the journal.
The Hearth Tree, vol. 1, issue 1, January 2009.
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Circassian Journal.pdf Size : 4500 Kb Type : pdf |
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Circassian_Journal.doc Size : 4544 Kb Type : doc |
The Hearth Tree, vol. 1, issue 2, June 2009.
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Circassian Journal, vol. 1, issue 2.pdf Size : 4767 Kb Type : pdf |
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Circassian Journal, vol. 1, issue 2.doc Size : 8904 Kb Type : doc |
The following are audio recordings of the songs and chants featured in
The Hearth Tree, vol. 1, issue 2, June 2009.
[Words and translations are available in the text of the journal]
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My Native Tongue, My Circassian Language.mp3 Size : 3359 Kb Type : mp3 |
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The wedding is upon us....MP3 Size : 5064 Kb Type : MP3 |
The chants of interest, namely «Хьанцэгуащэр зэтэщэра...» (‘We are escorting Hantsegwashe…’) and «О Елэмэ, си шъэо нашъухъо!» (‘Oh Elijah, my grey-eyed laddie!’), are nos. 2 and 3 on the following audio file:
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Hantsegwasher zeteshera.mp3 Size : 3469 Kb Type : mp3 |
Тхылъеджэ лъапIэхэ,
Куэдрэ къэхъуауэ зэхэпхынкъым диаспорэм щыпсэу адыгэр дызэгухьэу, ди лъэпкъым и сэбэп зыпылъ Iуэху къетхьэжьамэ, абы ехъулIэныгъэ кIэух, дрипагэфын хуэдэу, еттыфауэ. Дэ, адыгэхэр, дызэсар, ди хабзэри зэрыщытыр, ди лъэкIыныгъэхэр наIуэ дыдэ къэдмыщIу, дыукIытэхыу итIанэ зэтеубыдауэ зытIыгъыу, нэгъуэщIхэри. Абы къыхэкIыуи, Iуэху щхьэпэр етхьэжьа къудеймэ, – ар ехъулIэныгъэ лъэщу къыдолъытэ!
Иджыри къыздэсым Адыгэ БзэщIэныгъэ IуэхущIапIэ Курыкупсэм и зэгъэпэщыным теухуауэ — псалъэ дахэу къекIуэкIар къэдгъэувыIэу, лэжьыгъэр зэредгъэжьэфар ехъулIэныгъэ дыдэу къызолъытэ, ди Курыкупсэм и тхылъымпIэхэр иджыри къыдэмыкIами...
Ди пэщIэдзэр – ди лэжьыгъэхэмкIэ къэгъэлъэгъуа хъуащи, ар нэхъыщхьэу къэтлъытэнщ.
Нэгъабэ, Жэпуэгъуэ мазэм, Аммэным щызэхэта Дунейпсо БзэщIэныгъэ Конференцым къызэригъэлъэгъуауэ, е 21 лIэщIыгъуэм дызэрыпежьар ди анэбзэ, ди адыгэбзэм зэрылIыкIын уз пкърытущ... Абы дызэрыхуэкIуам и Iуэхур къэтIэтынкъым, зэрызэхэтхыжынум яужь икIэщIыпIэкIэ дихьащ. Аращ ди Курыкупсэм и плъапIэ нэхъ лъагэ дыдэри и Iуэхури зэхьэлIауэ лажьэр.
Дызыгъэгушхуэр дэрэжэгъуэ лъэщ зыдэтлъагъу ди щIалэгъуалэращ: тегушхуауэ йогугъу, хуопабгъэ бзэр зэрагъэпэщыжыным; дунейпсом адыгэ тхакIуэу дэнэ къэрал щыпсэури иритхэфыну зы литературэбзэ зэгъэуIуным.
Адыгэбзэр бзэ нэхъыжьу япэ дыдэ цIыху зэрыпсэлъа бзэхэм ящыщ зыщ. Ар гуэныхьщ икIи напэтехщ музеим къинэжа бзэхэм щыщ зыуэ бгъэтIылъыжыныр, бутIыпщыжыныр.
Маржэхэ, къыддэфIыгъ, фыкъыддэлажьэ, ди щхьэм щхьэкIэ, ди лъэпкъым щхьэкIэ, дунейпсо бзэ зэтемыхуэу зэхэтым и мыхьэнэ нэхъыщхьэм щхьэкIэ!
Къандур Мухьэдин
Dear Readers,
It is not very often that people, especially the Circassians of the Diaspora, can say that they have collectively accomplished something worthwhile of which they can all be proud. It really depends on one’s measurements of accomplishment or success, but for us Circassians – too much accustomed to a self-effacing culture and of humility and detachment – it amounts to a declaration of success that we have actually embarked on such an ambitious project as the Centre for Circassian Studies, despite all the conflicting desires and directionless attestations of noble objectives. With so many well-intentioned goals and dreams, we came out with a simple aim to put the corner-stone of an organisation, even before that organisation has seen an official birth certificate. (As I write these words, our venerable elders are still discussing the protocols of a simple application to the authorities!)
Therefore, even a beginning is considered a success, because it is with small beginnings that all great things are accomplished. The option to delay or to stop this process is no longer on the cards. We are moving forward; if need be, by producing our own birth certificate.
The International Conference held last October underlined the disastrous situation our language finds itself in in the 21st Century. How we arrived at this status is not the issue. How we now proceed to reverse the trend is the real issue and the goal of the Centre and therefore the main goal of our collective endeavour. Our young generation in the Diaspora knows this reality and has expressed its desire to resurrect our heritage: our literary Circassian language. We must all work towards that end.
I feel optimistic, not for all the pleasant words expressed repeatedly about our efforts to make this project happen, but for the enthusiasm I have seen, heard and felt every time I spoke to our younger generation about our literary heritage. Circassian is one of the oldest languages known to man, and we cannot allow it to become a museum article, to be remembered solely as an ancient trophy. We are alive and we have a treasure fund of literature and culture to preserve, develop, and promulgate.
I welcome all those who come forward to give us a hand, and I salute those who share our dreams for the future.
Mohydeen Quandour PhD